Materials and Substances Declaration for Aerospace and Defense

Materials and Substances Declaration for Aerospace and Defense

Aerospace and Defense Declarable Substances List ("AD-DSL")

The AD-DSL is a list of substances subject to supplier substance reporting in the aerospace and defense supply chain.  IAEG® has identified regulated chemical substances of concern to the international aerospace and defense industry that are subject to current use, product content restrictions or reporting requirements with potential impacts on the industry or its customers.  The AD-DSL is used for supplier reporting of chemical substances that are included in its products, are used in the production of those products or are required for operation or maintenance of those products.

The AD-DSL was developed through collaboration all IAEG member companies, and is actively managed to ensure currency, while continuing to meet the needs of the AD industry.

Version # Date Excel version PDF Format XML Format XSD Schema Release Note
1.1 March 2015 Download Download Not Available Not Available Not Available
2.0 August 2017 Download Download Download Download Not Available
3.0 March 2019 Download Download Download Download Not Available
4.0 May 2020 Download Download Download Download Download
4.1 March 2021 Download Download Download Download Download
5.0 May 2021 Download Download Download Download Download
6.0 May 2022 Download Download Download Download Download
7.0 June 2023 Download Download Download Download Download
8.0 June 2024 Download Download Not Available Not Available Download